The 2021 General Assembly

From our 2021 Bill Watch Page:

HEC presented our legislative priorities for the 2021 Indiana General Assembly in this in-depth interview with Indiana Public Media.  We described our overall agenda and calls to action at Greening the Statehouse.  Our top priorities in the 2021 Indiana General Assembly are very much focused on helping Hoosiers through the pandemic and helping Indiana’s economy revive through jobs in the sustainable economy, as we summarize in this interview with Fox-59 News. The 2021 session began on January 4, 2021 and concluded on April 22, 2021. We spotlight our specific legislative priorities below; these are categorized by our three main organizational aims (i.e., water and wilderness protection; environmental health & justice; sustainable economy).

I.) Read our recap of the 2021 Legislative Session

For all of the challenges of this session (and there were many), HEC and our allies did secure victories for environmental health, endangered open spaces, mass transit, and pollinator-friendly solar.  Our 2021 legislative report (from April 24, 2021) lays out both our victories and the headwinds that we faced; for more detail, please see below.

On April 29, 2021, the Governor very unfortunately signed the anti-wetlands bill, SEA 389, and the anti-climate bill, HEA 1191, into law.  We are very, very grateful for all of your calls and emails. Please see more detailed updates below.

II.) Get in touch with your lawmaker, post-legislative session: Thank them and/or hold them accountable

Please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for real-time updates. We greatly encourage you to email (or schedule a Zoom meeting) with your state representative and state senator and let them know how you felt about how they voted — what you appreciated, what you were disappointed with, and what you would like to see them prioritize in the future.  Build a meaningful relationship with them.  Check out our new webpage where we highlight Indiana lawmakers who lead on the environment & sustainability (including those who sponsored pro-rooftop solar bills) as well as those who were notably anti-environmental (including the co-sponsors of the anti-local climate bill HEA 1191). This resource also includes voting records for legislation that were key HEC priorities in the 2021 legislative session (i.e., HEA 1191, SEA 389, SB 373, and SB 141).