Our global climate is spiraling out of control. In Indiana, we have already warmed 1.2 degrees Fahrenheit since 1895 with a further projected rise of 5 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit by 2050 (INCCIA, 2018). As Hoosiers, we have a particularly tough challenge before us. Indiana has ranked eighth nationally – and first in the Midwest – for energy-related greenhouse gas emissions per capita (EIA).

Figure 1. Indiana’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas and Sector for 2019 contrasted with surrounding state gross totals measured in million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT CO2e). Land Use is the estimated carbon sink capacity of the state to sequester emissions per year. (Data from EPA, 2022) Graphic designed by HEC.

Indiana’s climate data already reveals increased average temperatures, rainfall, and extreme heat events (INCCIA, 2018). These state-specific trends have impacts on Indiana’s agriculture, health, and quality of life. Already, Indiana has warmed 1.1 degrees F and increased rainfall by 5.6″ over the last century. Given the current state and global greenhouse gas emissions, we expect these trends to continue (figure 1).