HEC Technical Assistance Policy
The Hoosier Environmental Council will make our best efforts to assist every affected individual and/or community group/partner in at least a modest way by:
- Offering a specific referral (i.e. specialized attorney, engineer, scientist or reporter);
- Making a key policymaker aware of the issue (e.g. executive agency leader, state legislator, or locally elected officials);
- Raising awareness of the issue with appropriate segments of our supporter base;
- Providing technical reports or other useful materials.
To be involved substantively in a matter, HEC senior policy staff consider the following factors:
- HEC in-house capacity and resources (appropriate legal, technical knowledge);
- The continuing time commitment from the prospective partner;
- Whether the matter is in alignment with, and advancing, HEC strategic goals
- The nature and scope of the problem (i.e., geographic scope, urgency, number of people impacted, sensitive natural areas, etc.);
- The likelihood of successful resolution;
- The need to maintain professionalism and civil discourse.
Apply for Technical Assistance
Please share as much information about your request as possible.
Further Resources
For general questions about citizen rights at government meetings and hearings and how to obtain government records, please consult our Citizen Guide to Indiana’s Open Door and Public Records Access Laws.
If you are fighting to protect your home and family from a newly proposed or existing concentrated animal feeding operation, read our CAFO citizen guide to better understand your legal rights at the state and local levels.
Are you looking for a reference to help you determine who to contact regarding an issue you or your community is experiencing? Please check into this report from the Great Lakes Center for Children’s Environmental Health: Investigating Environmental Contamination: A Guide for Communities.