To further align our web site with our sustainability values, HEC has gone green with our web hosting. With the guidance of our web site developer, Glass Web Projects, is now hosted with GreenGeeks. GreenGeeks puts back three times the power they consume into the grid in the form of renewable energy.

Why Green Hosting?

Did you know that the Internet is the fastest growing carbon polluting industry? The data centers with all the servers that host all the web sites that make up the Internet account for 2% of the world’s carbon emissions — as much as the airline industry! And data centers are expected to grow to 14% of the world’s carbon emissions by 2040.

GreenGeeks Commitment

GreenGeeks has been recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency since 2009 as a Green Power Partner.

They work with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) in Portland, Oregon. “BEF” is a Green-e Partner.

They tell BEF how many servers, personnel, etc. that they have and BEF calculates their yearly energy consumption and carbon footprint. GreenGeeks then has BEF purchase RECs 3 times as much as they have consumed, and they put that energy back into the grid. This matches the energy they consume, as well as 2 other companies their size.

To further their commitment to the environment, GreenGeeks works with One Tree Planted to plant trees across the globe. For every hosting account that they provision on their platform, they’ll plant one tree.