A couple months ago, our HEC Green Business partner, Rectify Solar, posted on Facebook asking the questions,

“What if all schools had solar on the roof? What if that was incorporated as part of the curriculum to educate school-age children about clean energy?”

We wanted to know more! So, we asked Rectify to share their vision for solar education in schools.

Rectify Solar on Solar in Schools

Guest blog by Travis Summitt, Brand Ambassador, Rectify Solar LLC

If everyone were educated about solar and how it works in residential, commercial, and municipal applications, wouldn’t we be better off just to have an informed public? With increased access to information, a drive for curiosity, and an inherent motivation to grow up in a better, more sustainable world, future generations can serve as an important catalyst for this change. School-age children, adolescents, and teenagers are a huge asset for the U.S. and the world when it comes to implementing those future changes.

Think about the most recent climate movements. Most of them gain traction because our young people are motivated to create a better future than we are currently on track to witness. We would be remiss to push those wishes aside or ignore their desires to “be the change they want to see in the world”. After all, isn’t that an inherent part of our educational system as we encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and the like?

It is encouraging to see schools around Central Indiana and the world take steps to implement renewable energy education, whether that is strictly learning about the topic or making the investment in solar or wind technology for their facility. Even if it is just a small amount of power generated through solar or wind, think about the potential for educating young people in a tangible fashion. What if solar panels on the roof of the school were enough to charge devices, run a single classroom, or power a project? Consider the implications of even just a few panels charging a few batteries for an extended lesson on photovoltaics, DC & AC power transfer, physics, electrical engineering, and math.

In a single project, schools can boost STEM education, teach the technology, and promote a path toward sustainability (and reduce their electricity bills – we might add!). That would provide the needed educational piece that the renewable industry could be missing, empowering our young people to “be the change they want to see in the world”.