220 W 5th Ave
Gary, Indiana
IDEM will hold two public meetings on the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) in Gary and Evansville. The meetings will be livestreamed for virtual participation statewide. The agenda will include an overview of ten greenhouse gas reduction measures selected based on stakeholder feedback for inclusion in the Priority Climate Action Plan, a summary of benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities analysis, and quantification of selected measures. The agenda will include time for feedback on the topics presented at the meeting.
February 1, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. (CT) Gary Public Library & Cultural Center – Community Room, 220 W 5th Ave, Gary, Indiana, 46402 (Building is accessible by GPTC Bus Route R1: Lakeshore Connection, Route L1: West Central via Grant, and R-Bmx: Broadway Metro Express)