August 1, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Pullman Park
550 W 4th St.
Michigan City
IN 46360

In March, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) held a public hearing in Hammond on our utility’s, NIPSCO, proposal to hike up the electric rates of residential and commercial customers, while reducing the rates of their industrial customers – B.P., U.S. Steel, ArcelorMittal, NLMK and Praxair – by a whopping 19%. Nearly 200 people from across the Region came out and stood up against this proposed cost shift. Currently, the case is still pending before the Commission.

On Thurs., Aug. 1st at Pullman Park, we will be holding a press conference to call to attention this injustice. Pullman Park is located in the shadow of the NIPSCO coal-burning plant on the city’s west side. Like many marginalized communities across NWI, the west side is a predominately low-income community of color who will bear the brunt of this cost shift if it is approved. We want a transition to renewable energy that is just and equitable and when industrial customers don’t pay their fair share, they inhibit our progress in realizing that vision. This time is NOW to take action!

This event is hosted by the NWI NAACP & Beyond Coal Campaign Collaboration. The press conference will be followed by a community BBQ with meat and vegetarian options. Please feel free to bring a dish to pass. This event is completely free, family friendly and open to the public.