498 N Avon Ave
The Indianapolis MPO is undergoing a major update to the region’s metropolitan transportation plan (MTP). The CIRCLE 2050 MTP (Central Indiana: Reflect, Create, Lead, Excel) will include updated goals and information about regional transportation trends and projections, and an updated list of proposed major transportation projects through 2050.
The document will be available to view and discuss during Listening Sessions throughout the region and online. Check out the website for all the details~! CIRCLE 2050 MTP Update | MPO (indympo.org)
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (IMPO) is Central Indiana’s federally-designated regional planning organization. The IMPO creates and implements short and long range plans to advance the region’s goals in transportation, economic development, housing, safety, sustainability, and other quality of life issues. The IMPO is also responsible for distributing certain federal transportation funds for roads, transit, trails, and other means of moving people and goods around Central Indiana. Our planning region includes almost 1,500 square miles, 36 jurisdictions, and approximately 1.78 million residents.