950 Field Drive
A White River Festival Event
Interested in immediately improving the health of the White River? Then please help the cities of Carmel, Fishers, and Noblesville celebrate the White River Festival by volunteering for the 25th Annual Hamilton County White River Clean Up! Join other volunteers from the community and help us continue to beautify the White River by pulling trash, tires, washing machines, and more from its watery depths and scenic river banks. See what you can find! There is no cost to participate in the event – just your time and your clothes that are sure to get dirty and wet. We provide the clean-up supplies, trash removal, tire recycling, drinks, snacks, lunch, and commemorative T-shirts (as supplies last). Canoes are available on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t be surprised if you have to go on foot. Hurry and register at whiterivercleanup.org and always remember…”It’s our Water”!
There are two locations available for sign-up:
Fishers/Carmel (116th Street Boat Launch –6100 Wapihani Dr. Fishers IN, 46038)
Noblesville (The Moose Lodge at 950 Field Drive