Hoosier Environmental Council is actively working to chart a new path forward to a cleaner, healthier environment for all Hoosiers and toward being a state that shows leadership on valuing and protecting our natural ecosystems and the benefits they bring. 

What we will prioritize

HEC recognizes that climate change, environmental health and environmental justice intersect with all components of our work. We will have these issues top of mind as we work to:

To help Indiana move forward and become a state that leads rather than places last on issues of environmental protection and policy as ranked by US News and World Report, Hoosier Environmental Council needs to expand our capacity and increase our effectiveness. How we can build that capacity is the main focus of our strategic plan.

Our Strategic Planning Process

HEC hired Shunk Moreland Strategies to facilitate our strategic planning process in May. Since that time, we have:

  1. formed a strategic planning committee of staff and board members and held a visioning session where we drafted a revised mission and vision statement along with identifying the values that guide HEC;
  2. performed a comprehensive strategic analysis to help understand the implications of the environment HEC is working within in relation to public interest, communication challenges, political landscape and partnership opportunities;
  3. received input from over 300 individuals through interviews, group sessions, and a survey to help identify both opportunities for forward momentum and challenges HEC faces in meeting our goals; and
  4. held five separate in-person sessions to begin developing strategies that will help HEC build capacity so that we can increase our impact in the state and better move Indiana forward on critical environmental issues.
Kristen Schunk Moreland leading HEC through a strategic mapping session, standing in front of a wall covered in yellow sticky notes with writing.
Kristen Schunk Moreland leading HEC through a strategic mapping session.

Building Our Capacity

These dynamic conversations generated numerous exciting strategies and helped prioritize where to dedicate our resources. Having so many thoughtful individuals bringing diverse perspectives encourages HEC to think more broadly about our connections, our reach and how we can increase our impact.

HEC staff and board members gathered with dozens of partners, supporters and experts to consider the following questions:

  1. How can we build equity into our work to support just policies that represent underserved community interests and benefit all Hoosiers?
  2. How can we develop a model of financial stability while significantly growing our team and budget?
  3. How can HEC strengthen its influence on policy and decision makers and mobilize communities to advance strong environmental policies and practices?
  4. How can we more effectively communicate our mission and work to engage more Hoosiers and have them feel connected to our organization and mission?
  5. How can HEC build broad coalitions to include business, faith, and community leaders and diverse representation of Hoosier interests in building a shared vision and plan around key HEC priorities.

What’s next with our strategic plan?

Our strategic planning team at HEC is ready to take all the input gathered and develop a detailed map of how we move forward. Now is where the rubber meets the road. In coming months, we will share a plan draft and invite your feedback so that we will be ready to release our final plan, mission, vision and values statement early in the new year. HEC offers special thanks and appreciation to the nearly 350 individuals who have participated in this process! Your involvement makes us stronger and our strategic plan more relevant to the needs of Indiana!

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