While hidden from public view, lead exposure continues to be pervasive in Marion County, harming some of the most vulnerable residents. The Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) has seen this first-hand during inspections and case management with families.
The health impacts of childhood lead exposure are far-reaching and unacceptable. Older housing with chipping and peeling paint remains a primary driver of lead contamination, but soil and dust laced with lead also contributes to lead exposure among children.

A Community Partnership to Tackle Childhood Lead Exposure
An action plan is necessary to tackle childhood lead exposure head-on and cultivate long-term health and safety for the community. Together, MCPHD and Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI) have organized a partnership, Lead-Free Indy to push these efforts and conversations.
A Summit to Empower a Lead-Free Indy
MCPHD and IUI are organizing Our Legacy Starts Now: A Summit to Empower a Lead-Free Indy. The Summit takes place September 19, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., bringing together community leaders to identify meaningful strategies to address lead exposure while developing community-driven solutions. The goal is nothing less than a lead-free Indianapolis.
Guest speakers include Virginia A. Caine, MD, and Director and Chief Medical Officer, MCPHD, and Paul Krievins, Division Director for Lead and Healthy Homes, Indiana Department of Health, among others.

At the Summit, the Lead-Free Indy organizers will highlight a new tool, the LeadADVISOR, that is poised to be a game-changer in public health. This tool gives the community knowledge and resources to act on environmental lead hazards and demand housing that is lead safe.
Learn more & register for the summit
To learn more about the Summit or provide thoughts on discussion topics, contact leadsafe@marionhealth.org.
IKE Coalition is a part of Indiana Lead Free and has partnered with organizations across the state to encourage families to get tested, including the NAACP and local Minority Health Coalitions. Read more about our lead poisoning prevention work here.